In the quest for effective fat loss methods, many people are overwhelmed by the amount of information available. However, science has identified a type of exercise that can be surp ...
BETWEEN long hours at work and trying to maintain some kind of social life, finding the time to exercise can be tricky. But just because we’re busy, it doesn’t mean we can’t burn ...
A typical SIT workout begins with a five-minute light cardio warmup to condition muscles for activity, followed by a maximum ...
WALKING IS ONE of the simplest, most accessible forms of exercise, but don’t make the mistake of only using it as a cooldown or a means to achieve a predetermined step count. A structured walking ...
Pick a landmark (tree, lamppost, etc.) and surge at a fast pace until you reach it. Recover with an easy jog until your next ...
When cold, dark, rainy, or icy conditions make it tough to get outside, the obvious option is to hit the treadmill. The good ...
Set 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 minute with 1-minute walk rest between reps. Set rest: 2-minute walk rest between sets. Set 2: 6 x ...
Repeat this 5-minute interval 4 times: Walk for 1 minute (at a similar speed to the last minute of your warmup) at 0% incline ...
High intensity interval training (HIIT), which involves ... Sarah has shared a speedy 10-minute home workout that can help you burn around 150 calories. It consists of 10 moves - and all you ...