The McIntoshes own a mobile home park in Madisonville, Kentucky. After a tenant complained, the city found mold and mildew in one of the homes, condemned ...
Eagle-eyed Constitution readers will notice that the 14th Amendment contains a “due process” clause very similar to the Fifth Amendment. This, says Rosen, was a technical addition to ensure ...
The14th Amendment was intended to correct the moral wrongs of slavery. But it has been misunderstood and reinterpreted in cases involving workdays, schools, train cars and birth control.
The Fourteenth Amendment was the product of a democratic revolutionary change that sought to put the Constitution on a ...
Lochner was fined $50 and sued, eventually winning in the U.S. Supreme Court based on the 14th Amendment’s due-process clause. “The general right to make a contract in relation to his business ...