Other ones are UPIa, UPIb and UPIII IHC/RT-PCR 93.8–100% [98,101,98,102 ... presented with positive lymph nodes at pathologic examination. The approximate disease-free survival rate for this ...
Soft tissue includes muscles, nerves, fat, and blood vessels. Sometimes it can spread to more than one area. Other common places for melanoma to spread include your: Lymph nodes are part of the ...
You might have surgery to remove lymph nodes in your tummy (abdomen). These are called the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. This operation is called a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. This is a ...
The presence of lymph node metastasis has a major influence on bladder cancer prognosis. Furthermore, different extent of lymph node involvement and tumor burden have been shown to have different ...
It removes the affected lymph nodes. Your retroperitoneal lymph nodes are found in areas near your kidneys. MSK has among the most experienced surgeons in the world for RPLND surgery for both ...