ADAM SCHIFF: I think it muddies the issue to a degree. But there is no comparing even the ill-considered pardon of his own family members with pardoning hundreds and hundreds of people who ...
Sen. Adam Schiff, who accepted a pre-emptive blanket pardon from President Biden yesterday for his actions related to House Democrats' investigation into the 2021 January 6 riot, told MSNBC in ...
Sen. Adam Schiff(D-CA), who as a Congressman was famously one of President Donald Trump’s main congressional opponents during ...
Sen. Adam Schiff (D-California) says he's been busy in the month since taking office, including multiple visits to the ...
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) voices his disagreement with former President Joe Biden’s pardon of family members, saying it sets a bad precedent for members of President Donald Trump's family.Jan.
During his remarks from the Senate this week on the confirmation of Kash Patel as the Director of the FBI, Senator Adam Schiff blasted President Trump over the January 6th riot.