ADAM SCHIFF: I think it muddies the issue to a degree. But there is no comparing even the ill-considered pardon of his own family members with pardoning hundreds and hundreds of people who ...
Sen. Adam Schiff(D-CA), who as a Congressman was famously one of President Donald Trump’s main congressional opponents during ...
Sen. Adam Schiff, who accepted a pre-emptive blanket pardon from President Biden yesterday for his actions related to House Democrats' investigation into the 2021 January 6 riot, told MSNBC in ...
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) voices his disagreement with former President Joe Biden’s pardon of family members, saying it sets a bad precedent for members of President Donald Trump's family.Jan. 26 ...
Sen. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said President Trump showed a disregard for police officers after granting roughly 1,500 Capitol insurrectionists pardons on Monday. “One thing is abundantly clear.