Alfalfa sprouts are packed with vital vitamins and minerals, hence they are a great choice for a nutrient-dense diet. They boast a high vitamin K content - a single cup serving of ...
If you're trying to get more fiber in your diet, try adding alfalfa leaf powder to your smoothies. A single teaspoon of the ...
Alfalfa, scientifically known as Medicago sativa, is a nutrient-rich herb with several benefits and uses. It is commonly used to feed livestock, but some people have also used it as an herbal ...
This widely adapted perennial legume is grown in every state in the US. Alfalfa does best on soils with fine to medium textures that are moderately to well drained and neutral or higher in pH. It ...
The practice of growing different but complementary plants within a given area, also known as intercropping, has numerous positive effects such as reduced soil erosion, weed suppression, nitrogen ...
AGRICULTURAL AND FARM NEWS PEAQ Stick measuring and scissors-cut sampling will take place in the region to help alfalfa producer’s gauge cutting first crop alfalfa. According to Dan Martens, ...
The improved fiber digestibility in HarvXtra Alfalfa benefits herd health and overall cow performance. The improved fiber digestibility in HarvXtra Alfalfa benefits herd health and overall cow ...
A Goodwin, South Dakota, dairy grower who runs a large operation has switched to growing 100% HarvXtra Alfalfa and has reported significant benefits. “He points to the consistency in forage ...