When you enter a movie called "Alien vs. Predator," you expect ... a baby Xenomorph until a full hour into the 2-hour, 17-minute sequel. Predator continued to up by withholding a proper look ...
If Predator 2 was an attempt to take the concept of the first film and deposit ... "What if a group of killers were sent to an alien hunting preserve?" is a great 1950s sci-fi B-movie hook to begin ...
While Hollywood contemplates another Alien vs. Predator film, the perfect template has been hiding in plain sight for over three decades. Dark Horse Comics‘ original 1990 crossover series didn ...
This ongoing narrative also brought back Sean Keyes (Jake Busey), son of Predator 2's Peter Keyes (Gary Busey), and even Predators' Isabelle Nissenbaum (Alice Braga) in an attempt to tie every movie ...