The spiny caterpillar feeds at night on violets. One of the most spectacular of all North American butterfly species, this swallowtail’s singular tiger stripes and large size make it ...
The Western population of the monarch butterfly has declined to a near-record low with fewer than 10,000 found living in ...
Scientists are grappling with a stark population decline of the western monarch butterfly after the species’ numbers hit a ...
Scientists estimate there needs to be a minimum of 15 acres of butterflies for the species to be out of the danger zone of ... The monarch caterpillar sheds its skin five times, molting as it grows.
KKL-JNF and butterfly enthusiasts have united to preserve a rare and protected butterfly species found in Begin Forest near ...
Butterflies have been in the news after a rare butterfly flew 3,000km from Japan to Hong Kong in a migratory record.
Agartala: Tripura recorded a milestone in biodiversity documentation with the first-ever recording of the Banded Royal butterfly (Rachana jalindra indra), a rare species, in the state, wildlife ...