When ear infections are seen in a dog with an open ear and normal ear canal, like the German Shepherd, there is an underlying cause like a food allergy. There are usually additional signs ...
Ear infections are one of the most common ... other industrial chemicals around the house. And if your dog has an environmental allergy to pollen, you might want to avoid being outdoors during ...
Cleaning a dog's ears can prevent an infection, not treat one. If you suspect your dog might have an ear infection, fleas, ear mites or an allergic reaction, consult a veterinarian.
So they'll be itching at their ears, scratching ... The most common things in foods that dogs react to allergy-wise are going to be the proteins, which include beef, chicken, or pork, are the ...
If he did, the lesions on the feet might be a food allergy. Dogs with food allergies may only show excessive itching of the feet but often also have ear infections, weight loss, and diarrhea or ...