From the Teachings by the Anishinaabe people of the Great Lakes Region and provided by American Indian Health Services of Chicago, Inc. Tobacco is the first plant the Creator gave to the Anishinaabe ...
In celebration of America’s Presidents’ Day on Monday, Feb. 17, I would like to offer a story of a great chief and leader of the Anishinaabe, Shagobay, who met U.S. presidents, negotiated ...
Nearby, a new sculpture, the Seven Grandfather Teachings, is testament to the Anishinaabe peoples’ cultural and ancestral ties to the lands they have inhabited since time immemorial. SUPPORT ...
Indigenous Elders carry knowledge systems that are embedded within their respective land-based systems of knowledge. When Indigenous Elders pass away, their knowledge systems, if not preserved and ...
NFL Canada commissioned Quentin Commanda to design an official football, he knew immediately how to tackle the project.
Sarain Fox is Anishinaabe from Batchawana First Nation ... They have passed down ancient teachings from generations of knowledge-keepers and have raised her to be proud of her Indigenous roots.
“In Anishinaabe teachings, the strawberry, o’demin, represents heart and to me heart is a big part of football," he said. "I immediately saw the marriage between the strawberry and football ...