While fully employed at the IAA, he earned a master’s degree at Bar-Ilan University and is now a doctoral candidate at ...
"Palestine" was a poor backwater of little significance; Jerusalem was an old, decrepit city that no one (except Jews) cared ...
Is the Bible historically reliable? To answer these questions, I would like to invite you to follow me, licensed tour guide ...
Unearthed at Huqoq, the artifact may represent the missing link between 1,300-year-old Merovingian rings and popular medieval ...
A ‘unique’ collection of ‘pearl caves’ containing archaeological artefacts has been found in an ancient tunnel. The pearls ...
The papyrus revealed how the imperial state dealt with financial crimes - specifically tax fraud involving slaves - in Judaea ...
A recent study published in the journal ‘Atiqot has revealed the discovery of an exceptional tomb at the Motza archaeological ...
A coin hoard dating to the 15th century has been discovered near a medieval synagogue in Israel. Why it was deposited there, ...
Distinguished Professor Thomas E. Levy’s 40-year-plus career has been shaped by what he calls archaeo-diplomacy: using ...