The very first image filling up the screen in Béla Tarr and Ágnes Hranitzky's Werkmeister Harmonies is a crackling fire. It's poked and prodded enough to keep the light flickering while this ...
01/10/2012 - Hungarian auteur will be the Dean of Ph.D.-level course Film Factory at the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology Béla Tarr will be the Head of Programme and Dean of the Ph ...
Sometimes on screen, the world ends with a bang, and sometimes much more quietly. The Apocalypse, in addition to both pre and ...
J R Robinson of Wrekmeister Harmonies is (obviously) big fan of the Hungarian director of Satantango and The Turin Horse, Béla Tarr. So we organised an interview... If you’ve read something you love ...
The experiment presents a cinematic poem to filmmaking and film itself. Directed by eleven filmmakers, all under the vision of Bela Tarr's 'film.factory', delving into what keeps us making films.