High levels of academic and pastoral support. Successful completion guarantees a place on first year of your chosen degree in the Department of Computer Science. Teaching by highly experienced ...
Discover if Manchester is right for you with an online or in-person meeting. On the Computer Science with an Integrated Foundation Year you are an undergraduate at The University of Manchester. The ...
This joint honours degree combines rigorous training in mathematics and computer science and its applications. Mathematics is the language of the sciences and is of core value in an advanced ...
BSc Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence combines a focus on the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of computer science, ...
The Library's support for Computer Science undergraduate students has traditionally been provided through induction sessions at the beginning of each academic year. The aim of this project was to ...
Our Computer Science course focuses on modern approaches to software systems development, allowing you to explore both the theoretical and practical skills needed to understand programming language ...
But in order to access the insights offered by massive data sets, researchers need the language and tools of computer science. The BSc in Systems and Information Biology will place you at the rich ...
We offer a wide range of highly regarded degrees, most of which can be studied as a three-year bachelor's degree (BSc/BEng) or a four year master's degree (MComp/MEng). Depending on your interests, ...
ENVIRONMENT: This company is a dynamic and innovative leader in the foreign exchange and cryptocurrency markets, and they are currently seeking a talented Software Engineer with expertise in the ...