With minimal usage of CGI and a focus on character driven narratives, Christopher Nolan's dark, gritty portrayal of Bruce Wayne's transition into Batman and his struggles as Gotham's superhero set ...
They weren’t unexpected pieces news, but still, the final days of December 2024 were rough for Batman fans. First came the development that the Matt Reeves-directed The Batman: Part II was postponed a ...
Back in his original surroundings, Bruce adopts the image of a bat to strike fear into the criminals and the corrupt as the icon known as "Batman". But it doesn't stay quiet for long.
“I said, ‘I want to give it the kind of Batman Begins treatment.’ So, I don't want to just make it as a cash grab. It's got to be a real movie. We have to make it with the assumption that a ...
The Batman is a Halloween movie in the same way that Die Hard is a Christmas movie – the story begins on Halloween night, and the trappings of the holiday play a big part in the action.