In 2021, a beaver dam broke near Warren, flooding the entire downtown. Massachusetts has strict beaver laws (yes, that's what they're called) that spell out how and when beavers can be captured ...
KNOX, N.Y. — It's a dam problem in the town of Knox. Beaver dams, that is. Town officials are trying to mitigate flooding concerns in and around the Knox wetlands and town park on Street Road ...
It had been hoped that a £180,000 habitat for the dam building creatures ... "However, after extreme flooding in October, we were asked by the Beaver Trust to make some larger scale amendments ...
The study found river barriers similar to those built by beavers can protect communities at risk of flooding by storing water upstream River barriers similar to those built by beavers can protect ...
Park manager Ray Weiler said it stems from nearby beaver dams. KNOX — Something is flooding Knox’s town ... mud and sometimes stone to dam water and create their own ponds.
The removal of a beaver dam in a rural Manitoba community is having some unintended consequences, sending a small flood downstream, catching residents off-guard.