Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Netflix is still one of the best mainstream platforms for streaming anime. When audiences aren’t watching its live-action originals, including adaptations like One Piece, the streamer boasts a ...
Below, the Paste writers have catalogued the best anime series on Netflix (starting with our favorites) that are sure to hold the attention of both experienced weeaboos and anime first-timers alike.
Brotherhood is just one of the more popular shows taken off Netflix in recent years. We also don't have movies here, though we have a list of best anime movies should you want to dip into the ...
Good live-action adaptations for animes is rare, but Netflix has now gotten their hands on one of the better live-action ...
For those who might not know, Blue Box is unlike any other sports anime on the market today. Rather than simply focusing on ...
If it's somehow passed you by, Squid Game is the Korean survival thriller that took the internet by storm back in 2021 and even ... easily one of the best anime series on Netflix right now.
Some of the best ... Bailey/Netflix A scene from the animated series “Dan Da Dan”Credit...Netflix Based on a Yukinobu Tatsu manga series, this deliriously bonkers, adults-only anime follows ...
Sorting through thousands of Netflix Originals can be daunting. That’s why we put together a list of the best shows on Netflix ... Synopsis: “In this anime adaptation, an overworked 24-year ...