"Little red dot" galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope in the early cosmos appear to be ruled by supermassive ...
Astronomers have witnessed a monster supermassive black hole erupting with a light-year-long jet traveling at one-third the ...
The Hubble Space Telescope has imaged a "200,000 light-year-long trail of newborn stars" that may have been left behind by a ...
Sgr A*, at the heart of the Milky Way and clocking in at 4.3 million solar masses, is the closest supermassive black hole we have access to. It's also on the quiescent end of the activity scale, which ...
Researchers found far more hidden black holes than previously known, indicating plenty of behemoths lurking in thick clouds ...
An illustration of two black holes about to merge into one. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) The finding about LID-568's feeding frenzy was far from the last word on early supermassive black hole ...
The differences in the peak of the SEDs and how bright they are for different spin configurations demonstrate how we can ...
Space.com was on duty all year to bring you the major developments in the science of the universe's most fascinating entities: black holes. Our fascination with black holes is pretty ...
A "missing link" black hole in Omega Centauri is still missing. What appeared to be an intermediate-mass black hole was a cluster of stellar-mass black holes. New research may have delivered bad ...
A Yale-led team of astronomers has detected an intensely brightening and dimming quasar that may help explain how some ...