Australian cartoon series Bluey is to be adapted into a feature film. The programme which follows the adventures of the loveable, inexhaustible, blue heeler dog, who lives with her mum ...
Bluey is not the only offender as Arthur also wears headphones in a peculiar fashion (Picture: Arthur/Cartoon Network) Over the years, the Bluey fandom has been left wondering about many unique ...
Good news, sad news for Bluey fans. BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company announced Tuesday that the beloved children’s television show is getting a CG-animated feature film, due out in 2027.
Bluey is broadcast in more than 60 countries with all three seasons of the Emmy-award winning cartoon available on ABC iview. The award-winning animated series first hit screens in 2018 and has ...
Michael Carrington, the exec who first backed global kids smash Bluey, is retiring after a storied ... After moving in 2010 to Turner to lead Cartoon Networks EMEA as Chief Content Officer ...
Bluey is an Australian cartoon about a suburban family, the Heelers, and their adorable, imagination-led adventures. They’re dogs, but they’re not dog dogs. If you watch it, there’s enough ...