The British Museum should return the ancient treasures to Greece for the sake of art, not nationalism.
Among its aims, the institute sought to promote British architecture both at home and throughout the British Empire. Alongside other 19th century Royal Charter bodies, it attempted to legitimise ...
During the 19th century the British fought minor wars in Africa to secure British control of colonial territories. These included the: Ashanti Wars in West Africa. Matabele Wars in South Africa.
Some of the royal artefacts were stolen by British colonisers during the 19th Century Anglo-Ashanti war. Butter sculptures of British royalty and a working coalmine were on display but what was it ...
In the 18th century, Britain had a well-established empire of colonies in the Americas. By 1740, the British government had allowed thirteeen colonies to develop in British America. The British ...
Is there a case for reparations? Oxfam’s huge estimate of the money drained from India by Britain’s colonial rule does not ...
Understanding the British Empire (CUP, 2010); Ronald Hyam, Britain's Imperial Century, 1815 to 1914 (CUP latest edn); John Newsinger, The blood never dried: A people’s history of the British Empire ...
Scots believe a "harmful myth" after being "victims" rather than partners of the British Empire, a staggering new opinion ...
Madhurima Vidyar­thi’s book is a fic­tional account of the life of Kadambini Gan­guly, one of the first female graduates of ...