Citrus trees are no strangers to fungal issues and disease. While this can be frustrating ... affect the overall yield. It ...
Once standing at 18 feet tall and requiring ladders for harvest – the citrus trees are now barely half that height and ...
One of the most common problems citrus trees face is dropping leaves. There are several different causes of leaf drop, ...
Today, nearly every citrus grove in Florida is infected with the disease. If an orange tree were to remain untreated, the disease would block its ability to get nutrients and kill it within a few ...
What can I feed it to get rid of the yellowing leaves? I give it citrus feed and seaweed. Also, should I prune it? Citrus trees are not suitable for growing outside in most UK gardens all year ...
The approach involves inserting a gene into a citrus tree that produces a protein that can kill baby Asian citrus psyllids, the bugs that transmit the greening disease ... of a leaf where the ...
It looks like bird droppings on a leaf, but don't be fooled: it's a caterpillar in disguise. This seemingly innocent creature causes devastation in some agricultural communities, eating young citrus ...
The gene yields a protein in the phloem -- the vascular part of a leaf where the psyllid feeds. Ultimately, that protein protects the tree from the psyllid and ... method works in the field, so that ...
A major grower said this week it was abandoning its citrus growing operations, reflecting the headwinds Florida’s signature crops are facing following a series of hurricanes and tree diseases.