In the lush green heart of Bheemanady, Kerala, an 82-year-old farmer named Sebastian P. Augustine has crafted something truly remarkable: India’s first tender coconut wine. This low-alcohol beverage ...
Keralites often getting creative and turning locally available fruits into homemade drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic ...
After 20 years of dedicated work, Kerala farmer Sebastian P Augustine has come up with India's first tender coconut wine. Born from his passion for his 15-acre coconut farm, this innovative beverage ...
India's alcohol market is booming, but traditional spirits like coconut and cashew feni are struggling. We went to Goa, India, to find out how some distillers are hoping to cash in on feni and ...
Happy National Rum Day to all observers. To celebrate, how about a boozy, rum-based coconut cocktail recipe straight from the British Virgin Islands? The best way to drink a Painkiller cocktail is ...