Add water to pile until it's as wet as a wrung out sponge. Turn pile with a pitch fork or compost aerator tool twice a week for faster compost production (less often in wintertime). Water: The ...
Making the tea. Compost teas can be prepared using either an aerated or a non-aerated brewing process. Aerating means introducing oxygen into the tea, by injecting air or by showering recirculated tea ...
South TEXAS GARDENERQ. I found a big box store that rents aerators for the lawn. The aerator will address the soil compaction ...
Q. I found a big box store that rents aerators for the lawn. The aerator will address the soil compaction but what does the ...
Nutrients from the compost is quickly made available for plant uptake. Compost tea can be brewed in small batches using a bucket, an aerator, and a mesh bag filled with compost and steeped for 24–36 ...