Computational chemistry and molecular spectroscopy are interrelated fields that utilize theoretical methods and computational techniques to study the properties and behaviors of molecules.
Recent research has focused on developing new methodologies and computational techniques to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of molecular spectroscopy, particularly in the analysis of high ...
Welcome to the Molecular Spectroscopy and Theoretical Chemistry group! Our research combines experimental, theoretical and computational work. Experimental efforts are aimed at developing new ...
To better understand this system, we combine Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and EC-AFM to observe the evolution of the chemical microenvironment, especially as a function of the ...
He has been awarded $2.5 million of funding from Research Corporation, the ACS Petroleum Research Fund, the Dreyfus Foundation, NSF and other sources to support a research program in molecular ...
Machine Learning for Quantum Dissipative Dynamics: Our group develops various machine learning approaches to a multitude of problems in atomic and molecular physics. Specifically, we utilize neural ...
Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics offers rich avenues of explorations ... Open projects include development and optimization of time-resolved optical spectroscopy instrumentation, ...
This cutting-edge technology paves the way to solving complicated quantum chemistry problems, including quantum computational ... vacuum states for molecular vibronic spectroscopy, Nature ...
The Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience (MATRENA) represents the PhD student education in materials physics, materials chemistry, pharmaceutical materials research, nanoscience, ...
Highly excited vibrational states of polyatomic molecules are prepared and studied by combining laser spectroscopy, molecular beam techniques and high resolution dispersed ... 6 TB storage) and ...