Medically reviewed by Andrew Greenberg, MD It is a common belief that cataracts only occur in the eyes of older people.
Doctors at Nethradhama Eye Hospital achieve a medical breakthrough by restoring vision in a 31-week premature baby through ...
Nethradhama Super Speciality Eye Hospital successfully performed a rare bilateral cataract surgery on a 31-week-old premature baby, restoring his vision. Led by Dr Sri Ganesh, the procedure used ...
Surgically implanting lenses in the eyes of infants born with cataracts might increase the rate of surgical complications, said a Baylor College of Medicine eye specialist who took part in a study ...
Children with congenital cataract in one eye are more likely to ... Researchers conducted a post hoc analysis of the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study to examine the association between the reported ...
The infant should be evaluated for congenital ... such as thrombocytopenic purpura or cataracts. Diagnosis of congenital rubella requires virologic or serologic confirmation.
Causes: Cataracts in children can happen as a consequence of congenital factors, where some children are born with cataracts; developmental issues, or infections during pregnancy. Other reasons ...
A blood test for children born with cataracts will allow faster diagnosis and ... have developed a test that checks all genes known to cause congenital cataracts using just one blood sample. "Using ...
Iremide Kasali, a 5-year-old girl, came into the world with cataract, but her parents did not come to terms with the condition early enough.
Sitaram examined hospital records, focusing on congenital cataracts, diagnostic facilities, surgeries, and follow-up care. Dr. Meenakshi, Hospital Superintendent, reported that in 2023 ...