The five valuable Angus stud cows had been sheltering under a gum tree on a Tenterfield property when an electrical storm hit ...
Crocket said the lightning that struck Morgan also knocked about 100 cows and calves off their feet, killing 34 cows and three calves. “As best I can tell, it hit him on the trailer. The cattle ...
A lightning strike from a swift-moving storm front has killed five pregnant stud cows sheltering under a large gum tree near ...
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
She took refuge under a tree, which, at the instant, was struck by lightning ; the cow was killed, and the woman was felled to the earth senseless, where she was soon after found, the storm having ...
The two tourists were injured just a few months after a Colorado rancher feeding his cattle was struck dead by lightning along with 34 of his cows. The bolt hit an open pasture area close to the ...
Torrential storms and lightning on Sunday spawned the strikes in south-central Chile. Worst hit was a ranch in Los Rios owned by Cecil Fourt, who says 55 of his dairy cows were killed by lightning ...