Why it's awesome: Earth's oceans are home to many secretive and unusual creatures that humans rarely see — including giant ...
Hundreds of years ago, our understanding of the sea was even more limited. Sailors came across many strange creatures, which ...
"Explore See To Believe to discover more of The Supereme's fascinating human interest stories, shocking discoveries, rare ...
British marine biologist and photographer Richard Smith focuses his work on the ocean’s tiniest and weirdest creatures.
Researchers aboard the E/V Nautilus recently discovered four rare Palau nautiluses, ancient cephalopods also known as "living ...
Dartmouth researchers say zooplankton could help bury carbon in the ocean. The key to that process? Sprinkling clay dust on ...
Explore the fascinating world of deep-sea creatures with the discovery of Bathynomus vaderi, a giant isopod named after Darth ...
Most turtles live in freshwater ponds, lakes or rivers. Others live in the ocean or on land. Some even live in forests or the ...
Then, they become a food source for zooplankton – tiny animals that live deep in the ocean, but swim up during the night time to feed. An adult zooplankton. This tiny animal just had a meal.