Anyone who still has crows or jackdaws visiting their garden in the winter is being warned to stop raking up the leaves in ...
Anyone who still has crows or jackdaws visiting their garden in the winter is being warned to stop raking up the leaves in their garden - because they’re vital to feed the birds. During the cold ...
Biologists already knew the corvid family–it includes crows, ravens, rooks, magpies and jackdaws–to be among the smartest of all birds. But this remarkable piece of behavior–it features in ...
I’m continuing my look at some of the more common critters that we see every day, but rarely give a second thought. I am often asked “What is my favorite bird?” This is like being asked ...
I’m continuing my look at some of the more common critters that we see every day but rarely give a second thought. I am often asked, what’s my favorite bird? This is like being asked ...
The last member of the corvid family found in East Lothian is the jay. Predominantly a woodland bird, it is shy and rarely seen, but can be easily identified by its pinkish brown body and the bright ...
As well as crows Kitty and Terrianne take in rooks, magpies, jackdaws and jays. They also have eight parrots who live in their conservatory. It all started two years ago with the arrival of an ...