If you need to, it's entirely possible to read and write to floppy disks with a modern PC or laptop. Here's everything you ...
[gilmour509] posted a thorough gallery of a new custom-built computer and case ... the most clever part involves a 3 1/2″ floppy disk that hides an SD card and works like a regular USB flash ...
Graham has created a custom archival system using parts from disk duplicators and our favorite SBC, the Raspberry Pi, to automatically process stacks of floppy disks and back them up onto a USB drive.
On [Jan Derogee]’s desk is something that wouldn’t look out of place for many of us, a pile of computer magazines with a case of 3.5″ floppy ... Selected disks have custom labels that ...
A handful of games and applications were offered in this "tape wafer" format, and several thousand drives were sold before the floppy disk made them obsolete. See TRS-80 and how to spoof your ...
(1) An earlier category of high-capacity floppy-like disk drives. In the early 1990s, the failed Floptical disk was the first. Later, the Zip drive fell into the super floppy category. See Zip ...