Although many of us might be familiar with stroopwafels or may have heard of snert in passing, when it comes to Dutch food, worldwide familiarity is somewhat lacking, with most dishes hailing from ...
There's now another way to eat croissants; served with bitterballen! New? Sure. Improved? We don't know about that.
Mother and daughter Patricia Tanumihardja and Juliana Evari Suparman share recipes from their Indonesian kitchen.
It would be very easy to be snotty about Dutch food and talk about snack bars, chicken with apple puree and the ubiquitous ‘ovenschotel’.  We could go on and on about boiled chicory with ham and ...
This time of year, my ideal food includes anything with the word “dumpling” attached to it — even better if there’s a basic ingredient used in an unexpected way. That’s what crossed my ...
A growing number of Dutch daycare centers and schools are eliminating birthday treats, including healthy snacks. Institutions ...
The Netherlands is actually full of good food, if you know where to find it. How do we know? Because we joined the Rotterdam ...