If you've ever wondered what would happen if you were unlucky enough to fall into a black hole, NASA has your answer. A visualization created on a NASA supercomputer to celebrate the beginning of ...
Have you ever wondered what happens if you were to fall into a black hole? Thanks to cutting-edge visualisations produced on a NASA supercomputer, this mind-bending experience is now within reach.
Some of this glowing matter envelops the black hole in a whirling region called an accretion disk. Even the matter that starts falling into a black hole isn't necessarily there to stay.
There's a universe full of black holes out there, spinning merrily away—some fast, others more slowly. A recent survey of supermassive black holes reveals that their spin rates reveal something about ...
If the circling object is indeed a white dwarf, the body would be pulling of a precarious balancing act, teetering on the black hole’s edge without falling in. To cause the fluctuations that ...
This would explain why the flares are speeding up, as the white dwarf is getting closer to the black hole and moving faster. But it likely won't fall in. An artist's rendering of a white dwarf ...
If this is the case, the white dwarf must be pulling off an impressive balancing act, as it could be coming right up to the black hole’s edge without actually falling in. “This would be the ...