Each Fate anime follows a different war, sometimes even a different timeline with nothing to do with the others. However, each season tells an action-packed story with interesting characters.
Whereas the Studio Deen anime adapts the Fate or Saber route and Heaven's Feel adapts the Sakura route, Unlimited Bladeworks focuses more on our titular character, Emiya Shirou. The route is ...
The upcoming characters for the Honkai Star Rail x Fate collaboration have been leaked ahead of the official announcement. This information was shared by Tieba Uncle Hellgirl, who had previously ...
While an exact release date for the series has yet to be revealed, the first episode of Fate/strange Fake, titled “The Heroic Spirit Incident,” will be streamed for free in English dub on ...
Now, over a year later, the first episode of the TV anime has been released ... ever-expanding roster of colorful characters, making the large cast of Fate/Apocrypha look tame by comparison.
2025 is a big year for Fate fans, with a new instalment in the anime franchise reportedly arriving soon. The Fate franchise started out as a visual novel game, later expanding into anime ...