A cloned black-footed ferret at the Smithsonian Zoo has given birth to two kits in an effort to conserve the endangered ...
The students released 14 kits and three adult ferrets, the agency said. The critters are predators that must sometimes be ferocious to stay alive. “Black-footed ferrets are predators that ...
In a divergence from tradition, the Louisville Zoo enlisted the help of a black-footed ferret to predict if spring will come early this year.
Work at the National Black-Footed Ferret Conservation Center in northern Colorado is helping save one of the most endangered ...
The tan ferrets also have black markings on their feet, legs, and tail tip. This animal's long slender body, like that of a weasel, enables it to crawl in and out of the holes and dwellings of its ...
Finding the right companion animal can provide a happier, healthier life for many families. Ferrets can be a popular choice due to their adorable faces and cuddly personalities, although they are ...
The knowledge gained from MRI in neurodevelopmentally complex animal models, like the ferret, will facilitate the translation of basic science research to clinical application in preterm infants ...
The domestic ferret, though not as common a laboratory animal as the rat or mouse, serves as a model in critical research areas, including influenza biology and vaccine development. Studies ...