Since then the Solar Neutrino Problem and the Atmospheric Neutrino Anomaly have demanded a reconsideration of neutrinos in the standard model, leading to the discovery of neutrino flavour changes and ...
which provide a framework for addressing the flavor problem in particle physics. One study examined the stabilization of moduli in the context of modular symmetry, revealing that certain ...
Heavy flavor physics is a branch of particle physics that studies the properties and interactions of heavy quarks, such as bottom (b) and charm (c) quarks. This field is crucial for understanding ...
My current effort is focused on searches for evidence of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics including searches for supersymmetry, exotic dark matter models, and lepton flavor ...
This decay is extraordinarily uncommon—according to the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, which describes ... is ...
Since the flavor of a neutrino depends on its phase ... This discovery and conclusion haveled to another groundbreaking conclusion in particle physics: the Standard Model, the theory of how the ...
The paper was a product of the Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise ... called NOvA that examines how and why neutrinos change flavor and back. In June, his research group reported ...