Is it true that your tooth shape and other things may dictate how you’re supposed to floss? Dental experts recommend flossing teeth at least once a day, ideally before bed. The goal is to remove ...
A dental hygienist has gone viral after sharing the correct order in which you should be cleaning your teeth - and it turns out many of us have been doing it incorrectly our whole lives ...
For my teeth, it has a Goldilocks thickness—plush ... If you find there’s too much friction when you dispense your floss, you may have put the spool in backwards—I do this about half the ...
Standing in front of the mirror and maneuvering a thin floss thread between your teeth isn’t pleasant. But flossing is an important part of any oral hygiene routine — it removes plaque ...
I saw a tweet (well, post on X) in which someone advised, “only floss the teeth you want to keep ... no direct attachment between the front of your gnashers and your gums.