Pollen blasts from Hypenea macrantha flowers knock competitors’ pollen off hummingbird beaks To see if the projectile pollen blew away the competition, evolutionary ecologist Bruce Anderson and ...
Across the globe in Australia, a Amorphophallus titanum corpse flower nicknamed Putricia has been blooming for the past week ...
The insects responsible for pollinating cacao’s tiny flowers are, themselves, also tiny, in order to access the flower’s reproductive structures. Biting midges from the Ceratopogonidae family and gall ...
The incredible botanical coincidence comes just two and a half weeks after the flower named Putricia became a global ...
The corpse flower blooms for the first time in its 15 years at Canberra's Australian National Botanic Gardens.
One answer is pollination, or plant sexual reproduction. Pollinators—typically wind, water, and animals—carry pollen from one flower to another, where fertilization takes place. Below ...
Pollen rubs off onto the bird's head as it feeds and is thereby transported from flower to flower. The honeybee is one of the goldenrod's best customers, collecting its pollen for protein and its ...
Fresh Fennel Pollen Ice Cream Recipe from both fennel flowers and its pollen including honey from the bees with a splash of fennel flavor liquor. Several years ago, I planted bronze fennel in my ...
Hand-pollination of the pungent corpse flower results in hundreds of seeds that will be sent across the world to help preserve the endangered species.
Many plants, including crops and the beautiful flowers we like to surround ourselves with, rely on pollination for survival. Pollination is not just the work of honeybees. Meet some of the buzzing, ...
I ran to the Royal Botanic Garden late last night – and accidentally became involved with the stinky, intimate art of Putricia’s pollination.