The Empress is a German historical romantic drama series created by Katharina Eyssen. Based on the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, the Netflix series follows Elisabeth of Bavaria as she ...
Television “Made in Germany” is having a golden moment with the rise of international streaming services. German series that appeal to global audiences through smart and original writing, diverse ...
Little wonder that German TV creators are now looking to their own recent past for material. The following series dwell on the history of the Cold War and the rise and fall of East Germany. Set in a ...
This month the drama has been shown again on German TV - and it is as relevant as ever. A third of West Germany's population, some 20 million people, watched at least some of the four-part series ...
From The Columbia Literary Monthly. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may ...
The epic, ground-breaking German series, a noirish crime drama set during the Weimar Republic, was unceremoniously dropped by Netflix, which had been streaming the show stateside, after three seasons.
Classic comedy-drama. Neville's wife believes that he is living it up as a German girl accuses him of assaulting her, and Dennis faces up to his impending divorce.
Feature-length drama about an enigmatic detective working on the South Coast during World War II, who has to solve the murder of a well-known German woman.
Chicago Fire has launched many of its actors to stardom, and Lauren German, who was part of its early seasons, has amazed all her fans with how much she has changed 8 years after her participation in ...