Its first robot, called Ghost Minitaur, made a splash in 2018, appearing on The Daily Show. The company is now best known for its larger UVG, the Vision 60 model, which has been tested by the US ...
Specifically, the case concerned seven patents held by Boston Dynamics, which the company claimed were infringed by Ghost Robotics with its four-legged robot dogs Vision 60 and Sprint 40.
The delivered Vision, 60 MULEs from Ghost Robotics, featured SENTRY remote weapon systems from Onyx Industries, a security ...
Roughly two and a half years after their patent battle began, Boston Dynamics and Ghost Robotics have settled the dispute on reasonably amicable terms. The robotics firms on Wednesday issued a ...
The dispute arose from alleged infringement against a Boston Dynamics patent over legged robots. Exacerbating the battle was Ghost’s seeming agnosticism with regard to military-mounted weaponry ...