“Frenemies,” which originally aired in February 2014, finds Michele’s Rachel and Rivera’s Santana at odds when ... two actresses on set. Related: Glee's Jane Lynch, Chris Colfer and ...
Blaine Anderson was viciously attacked by Sebastian Smythe and the Warblers with a slushie to the eye during a Michael ...
Former Glee cast members Kevin McHale and Jenna Ushkowitz revealed that Lea Michele and Naya Rivera turned rumors of their behind-the-scenes feud into a playful opportunity. They reflected on an ...
As a queer person, there’s a good chance that you've muttered the phrase ‘They did this on Glee!’ at least once in your life.
“Frenemies,” which originally aired in February 2014, finds Michele’s Rachel and Rivera’s Santana at odds when the latter auditions to be the former ... FOX Image Collection via Getty Lea Michele and ...
Millions of people watched Glee for the drama, the cover versions, the comedy - and the positive representation of a relationship between two LGBT women. Naya played cheerleader Santana Lopez ...
Was Rachel and Santana's Rivalry on Glee a Nod to Rumors of Lea Michele and Naya Rivera's Feud? These Stars Think So Lea Michele Shares Sweet New Family Snapshot by Christmas Tree: 'Beyond ...