Gremlins is a 1984 American horror comedy film directed by Joe Dante, Steven Spielberg was the film's executive producer and the screenplay was written by Chris Columbus. The film is about a young ...
Nostalgia is always a draw at the box office, and while the upcoming 2025 movie schedule has its fair share of remakes and ...
With the holiday season in full swing, plenty of people are sitting ... While we love those films, we recently were reminded that Gremlins not only is truly a Christmas movie, it has an eclectic ...
Gremlins is a 1984 American horror comedy film directed by Joe Dante, Steven Spielberg was the film's executive producer and the screenplay was written by Chris Columbus. The film is about a young ...
is developing Gremlins 3 with the original film’s writer ... Anthony D’Alessandro slipped in a small nugget full of big possibilities. Here’s what he wrote: Franchise hopes abound down ...
Warner Bros. is adding water to its new Gremlins movie, which is next on the slate for the studio alongside a new Goonies movie. It'll be a sequel rather than a reboot, continuing the story set up ...
Minature green monsters tear through the small town of Kingston Falls. Hijinks ensue as a mild-mannered bank teller releases these hideous loonies after gaining a new pet and violating two of ...