Engineers are hoping to turn an accidental discovery of helium on the Iron Range into a plant that will extract the gas and ...
Sufficient cooling of plasma-facing materials remains an outstanding challenge in the design of fusion reactor blankets in commercial power demonstration plants. Due to its chemical inertness and low ...
Abstract: This paper presents the design and optimization of a low-weight helium-free Nb-Ti CCT superconducting magnet (MAGDEM – MAGent DEMonstrator) for the R&D phase of the ISOLDE Superconducting ...
Liquid Helium,Magnetic Field,Heat Resistance,Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Thermal Conductivity,Finite Element,Finite Element Model,Heat Shield,Heat Transfer,Linear ...
Unlike many of its predecessors, Helium-1 is designed to perform comparably or better than models like Qwen 2.5 (1.5B), Gemma 2B, and Llama 3B, all while maintaining a compact and efficient design.