A trace antenna is an antenna made out of a small strip of copper wire on the PCB which just happens to resonate at certain frequencies. This could be intentional, like an F antenna design for 2.4 ...
How do you plan out the board, what are good things to keep in mind while you’re sourcing parts, and how do you ensure you finish the design? This time, I want to tell you my insights about what ...
ECM President and CEO Brian Casey discusses how PCB PrintStator software can reduce design cycle time on axial flux motors.
OKI Circuit Technology has announced a new printed circuit board (PCB) design that can boost component heat dissipation by up to 55x. The Japanese firm has been developing and manufacturing PCBs ...
MILPITAS, CA – Printed circuit board and multichip module design software revenue rose 5.8% year-over-year to $450.8 million in the third quarter, the ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community, ...