By contrast, adaptive immunity, which involves lymphocyte-like cells and the antigen-binding receptors they express, is restricted to vertebrates. A major departure in adaptive immunity is evident ...
A fossil analysis suggests that the yunnanozoan, a wormlike fish that flourished around 520 million years ago, sported structures that were the precursors of the head and jaws of modern vertebrates.
He doesn't even have a head. If Blob had been born with a spine, or backbone, he would have been a vertebrate. If we give Blob some legs and a head then he can start to move about. There are lots ...
The changes in metabolic activity associated with endothermy and the change from gill to lung respiration has led to changes in vertebrate circulatory systems. Veins between two capillary networks are ...
Model vertebrates are extensively studied non-human vertebrates (species with a notochord, or vertebral column) chosen for the ease of investigating particular biological phenomena in areas such ...
Form, function and evolutionary drivers of body systems in vertebrate animals are examined, especially in practical work. Evidence for evolution is emphasised in comparative anatomy laboratories.
How the developmental program has evolved to generate the impressive morphological diversity of organs and tissues across vertebrates ? What are the relationships between form and function of ...
The Marine Vertebrate Collection of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (ASIH Collection Code: SIO) maintains approximately two million alcohol-preserved specimens in over 120,000 lots, representing ...