古代的埃及有snake charmers,snake charmer就是能用乐器弄蛇,让其舞动表演的人。印度也有弄蛇人(snake charmers)。不同的文化对于蛇有不同的信仰。在圣经中,蛇(serpent)跟亚当和夏娃相关,象徵撒但的蛇(serpent)诱惑夏蛙去吃禁果。但在中国和印度文化中,蛇被视为聪明和好的生物。祝大家蛇年快乐!
The snake charmer. The yarn threader. The broommaker. Traditional jobs in India can be as varied and distinctive as the country’s bright colors and rich flavors. That occupational diversity is ...
The son of a snake charmer, Aina had his first encounter with snakes at the age of 2, when his father accidently left his basket open. “My father was asleep when I noticed a King Cobra sneaking out.