“A Real Pain” tells the story of two once close Jewish cousins, David Kaplan (played by Jesse Eisenberg) and Benji Kaplan (played by Kieran Culkin), who embark on a small group heritage tour ...
Eisenberg's film follows two cousins on a Jewish heritage tour of Poland, which includes a stop at the Majdanek death camp. The story draws on his... In 'A Real Pain,' Jesse Eisenberg asks ...
Jewish Heritage Month, is an annual observance in the United States that takes place during the month of May. It is a celebration established to recognize and honor the contributions and achievements ...
Someone can have Jewish heritage without embracing a Jewish identity ... that she is more than capable of leading a nat’l tour,” Samantha Massell, an actor who appeared in the revival ...
A steady stream of museum visitors counted down to the first night of Hanukkah, take part in community service activities and celebrate their Jewish heritage together.