In this new installment of the popular 'Kanchana' series, actress Pooja Hegde has been signed as one of the lead heroines. Additionally, Nora Fatehi has also joined the cast as the second female lead.
The actress enjoys a strong fan following because ... she is set to star in the horror comedy Kanchana 4. The Raghava Lawrence-led Kanchana franchise is quite popular among fans because of its ...
It was said that Pooja Hegde plays a role that impacts the narrative in unexpected ways and that the actress instantly accepted to come ... Manish Shah is producing Kanchana 4 and he revealed that the ...
Raghava Lawrence, a versatile figure in the Indian film industry as an actor, producer, choreographer, and director, is all set to return to his directorial roots with Kanchana 4. Known for his ...