These doshas—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata—are pivotal, shaping our equilibrium amidst the mind, body, and surroundings. Today, our focus lies on understanding the imbalance within the Kapha dosha ...
Ayurveda offers personalized rituals based on the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) to realign with nature and achieve wellness. Emphasizing diet, tailored therapies, meditation, yoga, daily routines ...
When imbalanced it produces heat and burning sensation in the body. Kapha – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of earth and water in our body. It is characterized by fluidity ...
Fatty Liver through Ayurveda: Fatty liver, in Ayurveda, is caused by an imbalance of Pitta and Kapha doshas. While pitta controls metabolism and digestion, kapha deals with the stability and ...