"The Karate Kid" is a terrific sports movie that was marred ... In my opinion, he has entered that rare group of actors who only need to go by one name: Eastwood, Stallone, Hanks, Cruise, Nicholson ...
He's now 27 and affectionately known as Dan, but has a great deal of pride carrying that name." Macchio also made the decision to never bad-mouth the Karate Kid films, even if he was frustrated ...
The Karate Kid (2010) was treated more like a reboot than a sequel. Sure, Chan's Mr. Han didn't have the same name as Pat Morita's Mr. Miyagi, but the former was clearly based on the latter.
Karate Kid: Legends is bridging the gap between Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. Your comment has not been saved This thread is open for discussion. Be the first to post your thoughts. Netflix's new ...
Karate Kid: Legends merges multiple films into one shared universe, featuring Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan. The film focuses on the blend of karate and kung fu, exploring their connection through ...