Jack Hoffman, a beloved Nebraska fan who famously ran for a touchdown in the program's 2013 spring game, has died following a ...
James Mahalek tells about Drew Welch at 8 handing him "a stack of papers with 3-D drawings on them. He told me, ‘These are ...
Jack Hoffman, the Nebraska superfan who went viral for a touchdown during a spring game, has died after a battle with brain ...
Jack Hoffman, who ran to fame at age 7 by scoring a touchdown in the 2013 Nebraska spring football game and raised millions ...
Jeffrey Gold commented on the state shortfall of $432 million looming over the next two years that could require cuts of ...
Hoffman began his freshman year at the University of Nebraska at Kearney in the pre-law program this past fall. He wanted to ...
Who was Nebraska super fan Jack Hoffman? What you need to know about the Cornhuskers fan, of Team Jack Foundation: ...
The nation was introduced to Jack at Nebraska's 2013 spring game, after the coaching staff invited him to run a play. He ...
Jack Hoffman ran for a long touchdown at the Nebraska spring game in 2013 when he was just 7 years old in an iconic heartfelt ...
Jack Hoffman, the cancer patient who captured the hearts of Nebraska football fans and inspired the nation as a 7-year-old ...
Nebraska-Kearney head football coach Ryan Held is turning to one of his former players to serve as an assistant coach.