In the world of One Piece, the Kozuki Family are the current ruling clan of Wano Country. Their crest is a bird with an orb on its chest, surrounded by four sprouts. They recently regained their ...
Chapter 1136 of the One Piece manga had one of the biggest reveals regarding Sun God Nika and his connection to the rest of ...
Be it in the anime or the manga, One Piece has had quite a few instances that have stirred up controversy over the years or ...
Many fans believe a Straw Hat will die in One Piece. Here's why. Kurozumi Kanjuro, initially known as Yuudachi Kanjuro of the Kozuki family, was first introduced during the Dressora arc as one of ...
Yamato's gender identity is a much-debated topic within the One Piece fandom, but maybe things are not as twisted as everyone ...
Roger to heartfelt losses like Nico Olvia and Kozuki Toki, their deaths have deep meaning. This article looks at ten One Piece characters whose deaths are essential to the story and should remain ...
Instead, Kozuki Oden had a lasting impact on Yamato ... Oda ensures it will be monumental for the narrative and the world of One Piece. Although Kaido wished Yamato to be his heir in the ...
While the flashback did feature Roger discovering the One Piece along with Wano’s Kozuki Oden, we still have yet to receive a definitive answer as to what the treasure might be. This fact ...
After revealing that Kozuki Oden, Momonosuke’s father ... as their leader, is not the one asking. Momonosuke recalls his painful memories and musters up the courage to ask Luffy for his help.
This would also explain why One Piece’s World Government seemingly ... A major example of this is the late Kozuki Oden’s sword Enma, which seemingly shrunk in size by a significant degree ...