“It turned out I had this rare lung disease, and it basically was putting ... of doctors in the country who had experience treating LAM. "The average age of onset is in the 30s, so really ...
Recalling the surgical discovery, Charlotte, who was initially diagnosed with LAM, a rare lung disease, said: "They had to do an operation this time, and they discovered that I am very lucky.
间质性肺疾病(Interstitial lung diseases,ILDs)是多样而复杂的,诊断和治疗通常有一定挑战,临床上有时对少(罕)见的ILD会识别和诊断不足。本文整理了肺泡蛋白沉积症(pulmonary alveolar proteinosis,PAP)、胸膜肺实质弹力纤维增生症(pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis,PPFE)和淋巴管平滑肌瘤病(Lympha ...